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Investor Relations

Investor Relations

Corporate Social Responsibility

SEC Reports & Financial Facts

Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. wants to reassure the investment community that our financial reporting and regular disclosures to our shareholders and government regulators have continuously met the highest ethical standards, even before the recent passage of legislation.

Our shareholders can continue to rely upon solid, straightforward reports of our operating results. We do not have the burden of servicing any debt, nor do we attempt to manage the Company's affairs to maximize today's short-term share price. Rather, the Company will continue to be run in a highly ethical manner, which best serves the interests of our shareholders, our employees, and of course, our loyal customers.

This web site is the latest medium through which we can provide information to our stockholders. The Company's financial press releases and Securities and Exchange Commission filings will be posted on this site immediately and historical financial information and filings are also available.

View our Investment Community Communications Policy

Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. has been publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange since 1990 under the ticker symbol RGR. The New York Stock Exchange web site may be visited at

Insider Stock Trader Filings

Information regarding changes in the ownership of Sturm, Ruger & Company Inc. Common Stock reported by the Company's Directors, Officers, and principal security holders under Section 16(A) of the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 may may be viewed through the SEC's web site.

Sturm, Ruger is audited by RSM US LLP.

Registered shareholders who hold their shares in their own name should address communications concerning their statements, dividend payments, address changes, lost certificates and other administrative matters to our transfer agent:

For first class mail delivery:
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006

For U.S and Canada - (877) 373-6374
Outside of U.S and Canada - (312) 360-5190

For overnight mail delivery:
150 Royall St., Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021

Registered shareholders may hold their stock in book-entry via the Direct Registration System or in certificate form. In either case, registered shareholders are encouraged to manage their holdings online via

As a registered shareholder, you are eligible for direct deposit of dividends and dividend reinvestment through Computershare. Please visit for additional information and to login to your account.

Beneficial shareholders who hold their shares through banks or brokerage houses ("Street Name") should direct communications on all administrative matters to their stockbroker. If your stock is held in "Street Name" you are not eligible for direct deposit of dividends. Please contact your stockbroker for more information regarding reinvestment of dividends.

By proceeding to the website, you verify that you are at least 18 years of age and consent to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.