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Information in news articles is current as of the date of publication. Product specifications and other details are subject to change over time.

U.S. Army Awards Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. Contract for 5,000 Pistols

Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE: RGR), the nation's largest firearms manufacturer, is proud to announce that it has been awarded a contract for 5,000 9mm pistols by the U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command, Rock Island Arsenal, IL. The pistols to be supplied are Ruger KP95D models. The pistols incorporate a stainless steel slide and a custom polymer composite frame.

"We are honored to be part of the nation's defense by furnishing the Army with Ruger P95 pistols," said Sturm, Ruger President Stephen L. Sanetti. "As there are no longer any U.S. Government small arms factories, our country must rely on the private firearms manufacturing sector to provide arms for the common defense. Sturm, Ruger's P95 pistols have developed a legendary reputation for strength, reliability, and value during the last ten years, and we are proud to have won the U.S. Army's competitive bid with these fine firearms."

"Our late founder, Bill Ruger, who began his firearms industry career 65 years ago designing small arms for the U.S. Government, would have been pleased," Sanetti concluded.

The Ruger pistols to be supplied under this contract will be manufactured in the company's Prescott, Arizona manufacturing facility.

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