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Triple-locking contoured cylinder is locked into the frame at the front, rear and bottom for more positive alignment and dependable operation shot after shot and enables easy re-holstering. The ejector and chamber mouths have a light chamfer to aid loading.
Grip frame design easily accommodates a wide variety of custom grips.
Disassembly of integrated subassemblies requires no special tools and allows for easy maintenance and assembly.
Transfer bar mechanism provides an unparalleled measure of security against accidental discharge.
A custom Hogue® hardwood grip with stippled sides permits an ideal grip for competition shooting.
The half-lug 4.2" barrel delivers lively handling for quick transition between targets and also features an 11° target crown for competitive-level accuracy.
Polished and optimized internals, a centering boss on the trigger, and centering shims on the hammer produce a smooth double-action trigger pull and a crisp and consistent let-off.
Ships with three (3) full moon clips that act as both a speed loader for the 10mm rounds and aid in the ejection of the spent cartridges.
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