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Parts & Service

Parts & Service

Service Fees

Firearms that are returned to Ruger for service are evaluated to determine if the service is to be provided at a fee or no-charge basis. The following price schedule will serve as a guide in estimating the cost of service that we provide and represents the most commonly requested services. Some products may be out of production or are not being serviced at this time, click here to view a list of these products.

POLISH AND REBLUE Labor charge per firearm (does not include parts and shipping)
Shotguns $130.00
Revolvers and most rifles $130.00
(includes refinishing of all metal components)
$100.00 (not necessary for re-barreling)
RE-BARREL Labor charge per firearm (does not include parts and shipping)
Shotguns $130.00
No. 1 rifles and 77/22s $105.00
M77 Mark IIs and Hawkeyes $80.00 (no sights installation available)
Mini-14s and Mini Thirty rifles $80.00
Single-Action Revolvers $80.00
FIT NEW STOCKS Labor charge per firearm (does not include parts and shipping)
Shotguns - Pistol grip only (straight stocks and 28 ga. not available) $50.00
No. 1 rifles, M77 Mark IIs, Hawkeyes and 77/22s $50.00
10/22s and Mini-14s $30.00
Stock Refinishing Not offered as a service
FIT NEW CYLINDERS Charge per cylinder (does not include parts and shipping)
Single and double-actions $50.00
SAFETY / FUNCTION CHECK & CLEANING Labor charge per firearm (does not include parts and shipping)
Revolvers or Rifles $90.00
SERVICE Flat Rate Pricing (includes return shipping)
Drill & Tap for Scope Base (includes Weaver®-style scope base) $65.00
New Centerfire Barrel (must send in firearm for fit) $85.00
Slide Replacement (must send in firearm for fit) $35.00 + Cost of Slide
Reconditioning - Replacement of worn internal parts
(does not include major components)
Reblue / Refinish including Reconditioning $110.00
Frame Replacement (if not serialized) $35.00 + Cost of Frame
Function / Sight In Target $65.00

Terms and Conditions:
Ruger will provide you with a detailed quotation of service fees based upon your request for service and the extent of service that Ruger agrees to provide. Note, additional charges may apply once the firearm is received and full evaluated. Payment in full via credit card (Visa or MasterCard only), money order or certified bank check (no personal checks, please) is required before any service will be performed.

Firearms for which the customer has declined to accept the quotation will be immediately returned to the customer upon our receipt of notice that the service quotation has been declined.

Service Shipping

All firearms and magazines shipped to our factories must be verified to be completely empty of all live ammunition. Empty cartridges (casings) must be removed from chambers and magazine. Please do not ship live ammunition of any form to the factory. Accessories such as scopes, scope mounts, slings and etc. should be removed before returning the firearm. Older gun boxes may be considered valuable. If so, you should NOT send these boxes to Ruger, as they may be damaged during shipping. Please make sure there are no previous shipping labels on the box used to ship your firearm to ensure acceptance from the shipping provider. Ruger assumes no responsibility for lost or damaged boxes. Some products may be no longer in production or being serviced at this time, click here to view a list of these products.

Please include a note in with the firearm to be serviced that identifies:

Please contact the appropriate Service Department to receive a RMA number (Return Material Authorization Number) before shipping your firearm in for service. This number will allow us to quickly and properly process your firearm.

Please retain a notation of the serial number of your firearm in your possession for future reference when contacting our service department. Please package your firearm in a suitable container making sure that any loose items such as bolts or magazines are securely packaged (padded) and are not loose in the carton.

Note: Handguns may not be shipped by individuals through the U.S. Mail. Individuals are allowed to ship handguns next day air to our factory for service using commercial carriers such as Airborne Express, Federal Express or United Parcel Service.

Please do not include your carrying case, scabbard, or custom accessories with a firearm being shipped to the factory for service. DO NOT SEND GUN BOXES OR LITERATURE THAT YOU CONSIDER TO BE COLLECTOR'S ITEMS - THESE ARE INVARIABLY DAMAGED OR DESTROYED IN SHIPMENT.

Please note: If your firearm is received in error, it will be sent back to you to ship to the correct facility. If you have any questions regarding where to ship your Ruger firearm, please contact either service facility for instructions.

Firearms with limited parts / service available:

Please contact Customer Service to determine the extent of parts and service that is available for the models below.

Firearms with no parts / service available:

Parts Ordering

Some of the most popular Ruger firearm parts are available for purchase online at! Check out the store now to see if the part you're looking for is available!

Firearms parts that are not restricted to factory installation and are not found online can be ordered from either of our facilities, either by mail, telephone or fax. When ordering parts, please consider the following:

By proceeding to the website, you verify that you are at least 18 years of age and consent to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.